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Meet Lady Beverly Powell

Lady Beverly Powell

Lady Beverly A. Powell is the wife of Presiding Prelate of the COGIC North Carolina Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Senior Pastor, Bishop Stenneth E. Powell, Sr. of Abundant Life Cathedral COGIC in Raleigh, North Carolina.  She is not only a wife and the leading lady in her church, she is a mother of two sons, Stenneth Jr. and Joshua and grandmother of one granddaughter, Ayanna. 


Lady Beverly is also an anointed psalmist and gifted songwriter who communicates God’s Love with warmth and grace inspiring others to pursue a more intimate relationship with Him. Lady Powell serves her husband and church by helping to lead and guide many of the creative organizational aspects of Abundant Life Cathedral and its affiliated ministries, and leads the Pastor’s Wives auxiliary of the NC Second Jurisdiction.  Lady Powell has a Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology from Ashford University and is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling.  With over 2 decades of pastoral experience, and more than 30 years of marriage, she is able pour out a continual stream of wisdom and knowledge.


Known as a woman of great faith and prayer, in 2015 she founded and held her first Fragrance Conference, a two day event that ministers to hundreds of Christian women through its annual conference, workshops and social media. With a heart for women of all backgrounds, she encourages women to be all they can be in God and to reach for the impossible. Many women are set free by her anointed prayers and leadership.


Lady Powell also has a keen and elegant sense of fashion, and over the last decade has owned an upscale women’s fashion boutique called, “The Perfect Lady”, that provides elegant clothing and accessories for the classy lady.  Recognized in the community, she has been the recipient of many awards such as “Outstanding Lady in The Community” presented by Vivica A. Fox from Sisters for Your Journey, and also recognized as “First Lady in The City” presented by Sonia Hamm of The Light 103.9.


Affectionately known as Lady Powell, she maintains integrity as the First Lady of Abundant Life Cathedral. She is dedicated to continue her journey of faith by continuing to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ not only to her local community, but to the entire world. Her mission is to teach God’s people to perform his principles so they can be educated, empowered and encouraged through the Love of Jesus Christ. In her words of her song, that was featured on the Abundant Life COGIC project, 'He’s Turning It Around', “I Will Know You By Your Love."


Conference Host & Visionary


It brings me great pleasure to know that you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to attend this life changing Fragrance Conference. As many will travel from far and near, I look forward to meeting you in August, but most of all, I look forward to what God has in store for us!

See you at Fragrance 2025!

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